Our Latest Website Developments

Greater Western Sydney Eye Surgeons
Dr Alison Chiu
Sydney, Australia

Lancashire Foot and Ankle Clinic
Mr Aamir Zubairy
MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS(Eng), FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Lancashire, UK

Leicester Knee Clinic
Mr. Arijit Ghosh
FRCS (Tr & Orth), Msc (Orth Eng), MA (Cantab), MRCS, MBBS
Leicester, UK

Dr Aniruddha Mitra
MBBS, FRCSI, FRCS (Tr & Orth), MMedSc, FRACS (Ortho), FAOrthA
Warrnambool, Australia

North East Foot & Ankle Surgery
Mr Rajiv Limaye
MS, MCh(Trauma), MCh(Orth), FRCS, FRCS(Orth)
Darlington, UK

S. Tanweer Ashraf
MBBS, FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics), MRCS (Ed),
MSOrth, MSc Orthopaedic Engineering (Cardiff), FRCS (Lond)
Birmingham, UK

Centre for Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction
Prof Minoo Patel
Melbourne, Australia